
Scottish Fantasy Op.46

By Max Bruch

This grand four-movement violin concerto in E flat, also called "Schottische Fantaise" (Phantasy) and "Scotch Fantasia", was composed for Pablo de Sarasate. Sources conflict on whether it was in the winter of 1879 and 1880, while Bruch was visiting Berlin, or when he was in Liverpool between 1880-1883. The previous date carries more weight given that it was stated by Liverpool Philharmonic conductor Theodor Muller-Reuter. The piece, inspired by melodies of Scottish origin, was premiered by Sarasate in 1880 in Hamburg. Bruch had also conducted the Hochschule orchestra with Joseph Joachim as the soloist for this piece.

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Bruch, Max | Scottish Fantasy Op.46
Finale - Allegro guerriero
