
3. Sonata No.2 in A minor BWV 1003

By Johann Sebastian Bach

This Sonata begins, in the Grave, with similarly complex rhythms to the Adagio from Bach's first sonata. Although some tasteful freedom is valued, it is also generally important to keep a steady beat and keep the rhythm in mind. An arrangement of this Sonata, along with some others, exists for violin and piano by Robert Schumann. Additionally, Bach himself had arranged it for solo keyboard in his Sonata in D minor, BWV 964. Jeno Hubay, in his edition of Bach's Sonatas and Partitas, recommends the following for this sonata: The notes of the accompanying voice must be of equal duration. They must sound as if they were played by a second violin. The student would do well to play these accompanying notes at first alone, without the principal voice.

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Bach, Johann Sebastian | 3. Sonata No.2 in A minor BWV 1003
IV Allegro
